Featured Fit Chick – Brenda


Brenda Hockaday

 How long have you been a member of Fit Chick Express and what brought you here? I’ve been a member since March 2011, I can’t believe it’s been 5 years. I had completely” fallen off the wagon” with my nutrition and knew I needed to do something. I had done a nutrition workshop with Angie the previous year and had great results. I decided to do personal training with her for both the nutrition and workout results. She is the best!

What has been your greatest accomplishment since becoming a member of FCE? My greatest accomplishment is how strong by body is. I’ve come so far in what I can do since I started, it’s amazing.

What keeps you motivated? What obstacles have you had to overcome? My motivation is how good I feel about myself when I’m done with my workout. I also know that I need to be there because there are other people there counting on me. The main obstacle I’ve had is making myself a priority. I’ve learned that when I feel good about myself everybody in my family benefits!

What is you favorite part of FCE? My favorite part of FCE is definitely the people. Everyone is so positive and encouraging. I haven’t met a lot of people since I do personal training with a small group, but the ladies that I have met are amazing. Obviously I love the workouts too. Angie always changes things up so I never know what to expect and that’s a good thing!

What advice would you offer to newbies? Do not be intimidated-everyone here is welcoming and will help you reach your goals.

In one sentence how would you describe your experience at FCE? It’s been awesome and rewarding!

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