Featured Fit Chick – Nancy


Nancy Herbert

How long have you been a member of Fit Chick Express and what brought you here? I go back to pre-FCE days when Angie was a personal trainer for Fitness 19.  It was in April of 2008 that I was on a mission to get fit and toned for my daughter’s upcoming wedding in August 2008.  Angie has been my only/best/consistent personal trainer for almost 8 years!

What has been your greatest accomplishment since becoming a member of FCE? Weight fluctuates but core strength and overall fitness and wellness remains a constant with the help of Angie and the many fitness/wellness team members at FCE.  The greatest accomplishment isn’t in pounds or inches lost – it is the miracle of making FCE part of my lifestyle.  I would literally give up every other ‘maintenance’ expense to keep FCE locked in 3 days a week.

What keeps you motivated? What obstacles have you had to overcome?

What gets me out of bed at 6:45 a.m. on frigid winter mornings to make a 7:45 a.m. fitness session 3x a week all winter long?  Making my physical and mental health a priority and a valuable component of my quality of life.  Knowing that that short-term hassle of getting to workouts is well worth the workout ‘high,’ clarity of mind, and sense of accomplishment I feel afterwards.

There are weight obstacles and there are health obstacles.  The key to FCE’s success is Angie’s ability to customize exercises to adapt to these obstacles.  I trusted her to keep me strong and flexible all throughout breast cancer surgery recovery and radiation treatments, a sciatic nerve injury (hiking), and intermittent vertigo.  She also just recently noted that I’ve been SERIOUSLY committed to weight and inches loss and ramped up my exercises with some new rigor (ugh!).  Loving the pain…

What is you favorite part of FCE? Angie’s quick and efficient ability to adapt workouts to an individual’s needs – whether to accommodate pain or physical limitations.  Her mental arsenal of fitness movements to address every muscle group is amazing. Equally remarkable is her instinctive timing about when to get individuals to push harder.  Also a favorite feature of FCE is that it is a safe environment to just leave our lives outside in the parking lot, come in, and cheer/moan/laugh/sweat/motivate each other through good and bad days while giving ourselves the ‘gift’ of good health.

What advice would you offer to newbies? Age is a state of mind.  Working at fitness and strength is the best confidence-builder for every shape and ability.  Looking to start a weight adjustment in your life?  Compliment it with inch loss to tone and shape the way your body transforms.  Make a commitment – whether it is 2 months, six months – set a goal and stick with it so the results can be realized – I promise you’ll feel renewed!  Once you get there it is fun to sustain it by mixing it up with a variety of classes to keep yourself moving. Because you feel physically fit you’ll want to make time in your life to be more active and try hiking or long walks or snow-shoeing or running or swimming or cycling or skiing or joining a recreational athletic team or  whatever sounds like a fun activity to compliment your lifestyle.  Who knows?  This one fitness decision can serve as the first snowball that starts an avalanche of activities!

In one sentence how would you describe your experience at FCE? FCE is one of the top positive contributors to my quality of life: 8 years and still going strong!

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