Stephanie Thai
How long have you been a member of Fit Chick Express and what brought you here? I have been a member of Fit Chick Express since September 2009. I won a free month of classes, and after my first class I realized I wasn’t in nearly as good shape as I thought I was. It felt good to be challenged.
What has been your greatest accomplishment since becoming a member of FCE? I have had MANY accomplishments since becoming a Fit Chick! I finished the Spartan Race with fellow Fit Chicks and felt really strong. I have become a personal trainer and kickboxing instructor and LOVE sharing what I do with others. My feelings about my body and how it serves me has evolved so that I look at it with appreciation and thankfulness rather than obsession over a number on the scale. And most importantly, I have found a family of women who have embraced me, helped me through the hardest time in my life and who I know I can count on for anything.
What keeps you motivated? What obstacles have you had to overcome? Being accountable to get to the gym when I’ve made an appointment for class is a huge motivator for me. I used to exercise for 6 months out of the year — when it wasn’t dark outside. Once I started Fit Chick and knew that someone would be looking for me if I didn’t show up, I showed up!
A big obstacle for me has always been the nutrition portion of fitness. I ate all white things and vegetables were a rarity. I have seen that no amount of exercise can make up for a balanced diet. In the past few years, I have realized that I have a gluten intolerance. Having Fit Chick support from the other members and trainers has helped me to take away many of those white foods that made me sick and to learn how to eat differently to nourish my body.
Most recently, I took time away from Fit Chick to take care of my terminally ill husband. While Minh was sick, and after he passed away, I forgot all focus on myself — what I need to do to take care of my body, soul and heart. The Fit Chicks have been an amazing army of friends that came to my rescue in those crisis months and who still help me take care of myself now.
What is your favorite part of FCE? My favorite part of FCE is the friendship and support that I feel with my fellow Fit Chicks. I love sharing yoga, PIYO, zumba, bootcamp and kickboxing with this beautiful group of women and having fun while staying fit!
What advice would you offer to newbies? The thing that I love most about Fit Chick is what was most difficult for me…meeting the other women and forming connections. I would say to have FUN at your workouts, laugh at yourself and with the women working out with you and soon enough you will grow to appreciate the friendships you will form here just as others will appreciate you.
In one sentence how would you describe your experience at FCE. Fit Chick Express is my home away from home and my family away from family.