There have a been a lot of feelings come up over the past few weeks as I have been planning this 10 Yr Celebration. Every time I talk to someone about it, I get emotional.
I guess when I first started this 10 years ago, I never realized just how much it would mean to me. I have a vision but was never quite sure how I was going to make it happen.
But it just happened. And it wasn’t because of anything that I really did, it was the community that was created by all the amazing women that came through our doors. It’s ALL OF THEM, that helped this dream come true for me.
Still, to this day, I love hearing how much they women enjoy the classes, enjoy the camaraderie, and love the atmosphere that we have created.
I know I have gone on so much about how much my clients mean to me, but I need to also talk about the amazing team members that I have had to help me create this amazing space. There is no way I could have done it without them and I still appreciate each and every one of them, even the ones that have come and gone. Thanks TEAM!
I think my last post, I left off with memories about our place on Sherman. It was just 2 years ago this May that we made the move to our current space. It has truly been a blessing. So clean, bright and cheery! But it took some work to get it there. Check out the photos below:
Can’t believe the difference from then to now… and if you haven’t seen it yet, then this is the perfect time for you to stop in and check it out AND get some fun workout classes in too!
So I could go on and on about all the memories, but instead, I will just share a few more videos of the past few years for you…