Totally Lost My Motivation…



We all do it– Lose our motivation. My clients talk about it all the time and ask how they can get motivated again! I should be the master of keeping them motivation, but how can I keep them motivated when my own motivation has went down the drain?

Why have I lost my motivation? Well, for many different reasons. I just don’t “feel” or look how I want to and it seem that everything I try just doesn’t work. Then I turn to that negative thinking, which gets me more down and turns into the “I don’t care, nothing works, so I am just going to quit!” attitude.


If you have been reading some of my posts, you know that I have been dealing with sleep, hormone and adrenal issues for about 4 or more years now. It can become draining trying to figure out what is wrong or what to change or what to do or not do. It’s overwhelming to say the least!

I feel I have become a bit obsessed with all the things that are WRONG with me that I lost focus on the things that are RIGHT! But don’t we all do that?? We focus on that extra belly fat we have, not the tight and toned legs we have. We focus on the flab under our arms, but not how strong those arms are. We focus on how we can’t get the results we want, when we are slowing making our way towards that goal, but we just don’t have the patience.



So where does that leave me? Well, I KNOW that cardio will help me to achieve some of my goals, but have I done any? NOPE!! Why not you ask?? Well, a few months ago when I WAS doing intervals and walking daily and running when I could, nothing changed. NOTHING! So I stopped. I figured if I was working so hard and not seeing results, why keep doing it? Probably not the best attitude. Where did it get me?? Unmotivated. I found it much easier to just sit on the couch in the early evenings and watch my shows. The longer I let it go, the harder it was to get back into it. I just didn’t want to do it. I felt like it was such a waste of my energy.

Here we are a few months later, a few pounds heavier and unhappy with myself and my body. Even if I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted, the cardio made me FEEL better, made me FEEL tighter and made my body LOOK better! Maybe the results that I want to see aren’t really what’s important? Maybe I just needed to focus on how GOOD I was feeling and how much more energy I had!! 



So I think I have found my motivation again. 😉 I need to refocus on what makes me feel better about myself and what makes me feel good again. I need to stop obsessing about what is wrong and how to “fix” myself. It will come, I know it will.

I have recommitted to cardio once again! I love my weight workouts and do them 3x/ week regularly, but have always dreaded cardio. I even set up a 30 day Cardio Challenge with my Fit Chick Express girls to help push me! I set a goal of 600 minutes of cardio in 30 days. I plan to do intervals, some running and body weight cardio.  I started early and have already gotten in 2 days of intervals. It’s been tough and I feel like I am starting all over again. But I am not giving up, not now, not ever!



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