Top 3 way to create a successful healthy lifestyle

Maybe creating a healthy lifestyle seems overwhelming to you. Especially if you aren’t even sure where to start.

So, I am here to give you 3 simple tips to make it easy for you!!

Number 1: Make YOU a priority! 

We have all heard the saying, “take care of YOU first, so you can take care of others BETTER!” and there is so much truth to that! I learned to be a NO person a few years back and boy has it made a difference in my life! Obviously, I have learned which things are important to say YES to, but freeing myself from doing things that others were able to do without me has been life-changing.

This can be as simple as sitting down on a Sunday and scheduling in your workouts FIRST! Then you plan other things around that if need be. By making that appointment, you are less likely to cancel it.

In that weekly schedule, make sure to make some YOU or SELF-CARE time too! That is just time for you to do whatever makes your heart happy! Maybe it’s a coffee date with a friend, or maybe its 20 minutes of reading your favorite book. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming, it just has to make you happy. 😊

Number 2: Plan and prep meals! 

Pick one day a week that you will prepare a few meals for the next few days. This helps set you up for success with healthy choices right from the beginning! By having a few options to choose from in your fridge you are less likely to go out and make unhealthy choices or choose a processed or boxed meal because you are short on time.

My husband and share this duty and every Sunday we take 1-3 hrs to prep up a bunch of different options. He does the grilling or the meats and I do the veggies. By Sunday evening, our fridge is full of cooked ground turkey or turkey burgers, ground beef cooked up, chicken sausages, chicken breasts, green beans, brussel sprouts or mixed veggies and hard-boiled eggs. We have lots of avocados to add to any of our meals to get those healthy fats in too! Then when we need meals, we mix and match for different meal options. Easy peasy and set up for success!

Number 3: Don’t make excuses! 

This is the number one way to not be successful! Because one excuse tends to become another excuse and another and so on. Before long, you stop making excuses because you are so far off from where you need to be, you don’t even know how to find your way back.

First off, become aware of when you are using excuses. Is it because you are frustrated? Feeling lazy? Unmotivated? Loss of direction?

Then find a way out. Ask for support or help. Find a workout buddy to keep you accountable. Write down some goals or steps that will help you move forward,    even if it’s baby steps, but that will keep you from reaching for those excuses. Figure out what the excuse is that you keep using over and over and change it into a positive step.

If you want something bad enough, you will find a way, not an excuse.😉

With just these 3 steps, you will be able to start heading in the direction of your ideal #healthylifestyle. Yes, you may have set-backs, we all do. But if you always come back to these 3 simple steps, you will find it easier to stay on track!

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