Perfect Workout Oil Combo

Two things that come hand in hand when it comes to working out–energy and sore muscles. The first one we usually lack and the second one we have a good amount off all the time (at least I do!).

20150805_153928Lately with all of the adrenal issues I have been having, the energy oils have been a godsend! My favorite is the peppermint and wild orange. Every morning, I put 2 drops of each in the palm of my hand, rub them together and inhale deeply! Then I rub the remaining oils on the back of my neck, insides of my wrists and on the bottoms of my feet. Just the smell itself wakes me up!! I also like to just use the citrus bliss and elevation on their own at other times during the day or alternating with the peppermint and wild orange combo. There are other oils that work well with energy, but I found these to be my favorites. The Mito2Max is also great for energy. Instead of energy drinks, I use the Mito2Max. More natural alternative, doesn’t cause the jitters and all the ingredients are good for you!! They now have a more improved one that I haven’t yet tried.

So if you are looking for a natural pick me up for your workouts, or just in general, I highly suggest using these oils! I know I can’t live without them! 


If you are just starting out with a new workout routine or have been working out a long time and pushing yourself, you are experiencing sore muscles! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the sore muscle oils!! My main issues are my lower back, calves/shins and neck/shoulder muscles. For some reason, they are sore the most. Without these oils, I would not be able to workout as hard as I do.

I use a combination of all of the oils above, almost every time I use them. They do have a deep blue oil and roller bottle, but I prefer the deep blue rub. (There is actually an entire bottle of deep blue IN the rub!!) It allows me to add more oils to it and then rub them all in, instead of having to use coconut oil.

I add the wintergreen because it’s like adding ibuprofen or tylenol to the body without harming the stomach! The lemongrass has an amazing smell and also helps with sore muscles in addition to many other uses. And lastly, I love how the aromatouch relaxes me. I find that when I use it, its almost like having a glass of wine, without the effects of alcohol! LOL! It just helps all the tight muscles to instantly relax, allowing my muscles to heal. The aromatouch I use all the time on my lower back and mid back, especially before sleeping and it helps me to sleep.

If you are interested in any of these oils, you can check them out at my website and place an order:

If you have any questions about the oils, please ask!


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