Featured Fit Chick- Erin

Erin Conlin



  1. How long have you been a member of Fit Chick Express and what brought you here?

I’ve been a member of Fit Chick Express for 3 amazing years. One of my friends in the neighborhood had just started going a few months earlier and had mentioned how much she enjoyed the workouts – how the early mornings fit so well into her schedule, how much of a difference she was already feeling in her strength and stamina after only 30 minutes a day, and what a great group of women she had met.

  1. What has been your greatest accomplishment since becoming a member of FCE?

I’m currently training for a marathon – ME, training for 26.2 miles… I’m now the most fit I’ve ever been in my whole life – even more now (at almost 40) than I was in high school or even in my 20s. The strength I’ve developed at Fit Chick has had a huge impact on my ability to run. I’m stronger, leaner, and will be ready to take on this crazy race!

  1. What keeps you motivated? What obstacles have you had to overcome?

Knowing that I’m accountable to my friends at Fit Chick is a huge motivation-they expect me in class and are worried if I’m not there! Some of the biggest things I’ve had to overcome are my “yo-yo” diet and exercise routines. I’m usually really good at one of the other – if I’m running, I’m not watching what I eat. Or if I’m “dieting”, I’m too tired to exercise. Fit Chick has taught me that food is the fuel I need to keep my body at its leanest and healthiest, and that fitness isn’t a bad word. It’s a lifestyle!

  1. What is your favorite part of FCE?

My favorite part of FCE is knowing that I always leave with a smile – the women I workout with are my inspiration – they are all working to make themselves the best they can be, both inside and out. I know that no matter how tired I am, how much I would rather sleep in or sit on the porch with a glass of wine, I will never regret going to class. It’s time that I take for myself – whether it’s boot camp or Zumba or yoga or kickboxing: it’s fun, it’s quick, it’s always different, and I always feel so much better when I’ve gone!

  1. What advice would you offer to newbies?

You’re worth it – 30 minutes a day doesn’t seem like a lot, but the changes you’ll see and feel in yourself are priceless. Your energy will change, your self- image will change… It won’t happen overnight – but it will last a lifetime when it does. We are all there to encourage you and keep you motivated!

  1. In one sentence how would you describe your experience at FCE?

FCE is the one gym/workout that I’ve been able to stick to and be successful with – it’s taught me that being fit is a fun way of life and that with my FCE friends and trainers by my side, I’ll be able to be fit for a lifetime!

Erin Conlin

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