It was back in May in 2008 that I went from training private clients at Fitness 19 to starting my own boot camp program. I had a few clients from the gym that wanted to join me, so we started it all in Loomiller Park, just a few blocks down from where I lived at the time.
Back then, I called it Building A Better U Boot Camp. It was what I wanted to do for my clients, so I thought it a fitting name at the time. After the first year or so, when I had some regular boot camp clients, and it was time to actually start establishing a business, I asked my clients for some suggestions. Fit Chick Express was suggested by a client and we voted on it and here we are today.
So if you missed my first post, you can check it out here. It talks about where we began and all the different locations we were in. Well, I shouldn’t say all, but most of them.
I do want to give a huge shout out to JR Masteller and Life Bridge Christian Church for opening up the possibilities to my dream. Without them, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to grow as much as I did in a financially safe manner. I will forever be grateful to them for allowing me into their space to create my dream.
We did a transition move from LifeBridge to main street, where Crackpots currently resides. Here is one of our famous pumpkin workouts at that location. You may notice a few familiar faces in this video too! (Susan Lindgren and Kim Taylor)
and here is one more… no pumpkins in this workout.
In this video you will find Ann Noble, Steph Thai, and Kim Taylor!
As you can see, we were growing and needed so much more space! This is when we found our space on Sherman. This was 3x the space that we had ever had and it was a scary transition. Not knowing if all the girls would follow and if I would be able to grow to accommodate the new space and financial responsibilities. But it was a chance I had to take and it felt SO right!
Here was one of the first workouts in our new space. The walls were not painted yet, we didn’t have enough mats to fill the space because it was so big!
A lot more familiar faces in this one too! I think I see Dawna, Mickey, Lashanda, Stephanie Thai… there are probably more!
A few years in this space and then the last two units opened up and I remember going in there with a couple of my clients to check out the space. It was double the space that we currently had and so we made the move.
I can’t even express how much I love watching these videos over the years. So many clients that have come and gone and those that came and are still here! I think that calls for a big Celebration, don’t you?
We would love for you to come help us celebrate all THIS!! Here is the page for more details and please feel free to share it with friends! This Celebration is open to the public! We would LOVE to see some old familiar faces stop by to visit!
Oh and so much more reminiscing to come…