Becoming Bulletproof!!

shareasimage-3It’s been a long journey of me trying to not only figure out what has been going on with my health, but also to figure out how to get my body back to how I feel comfortable in it. In the last year, I have been so full of inflammation, my body literally felt like a balloon!! I could see it in my face, my ankles and could just feel it. It disgusted me. I was doing all the same things I had done for years and actually eating the cleanest I had in years as well, but nothing worked.

Then I had a friend, who has been dealing with mold issues as well, tell me she was going to try the Bulletproof Diet. I had already tried the bulletproof coffee to some extent, but was not using all the high quality products recommended by Dave Asprey.

As I thoroughly read the details of the diet, I was more and more intrigued by this diet! Plus it goes along with what my Nutritionist at Fit Chick Express promotes!! Low carb and high fats!!

The Bulletproof Diet is the foundation for health and fitness.  It allows you to maintain muscle mass, lose fat, avoid disease, and delay aging.

It was an inflammatory diet, with all mold free foods AND I was going to be able to eat TONS of healthy fats! What was NOT to like!!

So I took notes, bought what I felt were the most important supplements to start with from the bulletproof site:

  • Brain Octane Oil (I needed this lots!!)
  • Coconut Charcoal (using this to clean out bad foods and hopefully mold in my system!)
  • Upgraded decaf coffee (wanted to start with decaf because of my adrenals AND did you know that most coffees contain mold??!! Yikes!! Wanted to make sure to avoid that at all costs and enjoy my coffee in the morning!),
  • Glutathione (I had already started this about 2 months before started the full on diet, GREAT for my body to help clean up my system)
  • XCT Oil (I had some NOW brand on hand, so wanted to use that up first, but wanted to add it to the diet from the beginning to help increase my metabolism and burn fat!)

I also bough some good quality butter that was recommended, Kerrygold butter. Almost every grocery store here in CO has it and I even found it at Costco! SCORE!!

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After reading the information on the diet itself, I learned my protein sources had to go from eating tons of chicken and turkey to beef and fish. And not just any kind, Grass-Fed Beef and Wild Caught Fish. Not being much of a fish eater, I started with the beef. Just finally found some fish burgers from Costco that I LOVE, so its been a nice option instead of just burgers, ground beef and hotdogs (grass-fed of course!!)

My carbs were Vegetables.. TONS Of them were added to my 2 meals of the day. Pretty much anything is ok as long as it’s not moldy. 😉 Adding butter on top.. OMG.. who can’t eat tons of vegetables that way!!

Fats.. my go to were Avocado – 1/4 of an avocado at every meal, coconut oil, kerry gold butter, ghee, mct oil and brain octane.

Limited Starchy carbs, and my choices were white rice and sweet potatoes. Yes, white rice. Hard to wrap my mind around that but you can read why HERE! It’s not like I was eating that much of it. They are to be used in the evening, before bed (backwards from everything I was taught), to help with sleep. When I first started the diet, I was doing them before my workouts at 10am but recently started doing them with dinner and it has helped my sleep a lot!

So here is a look at my daily meals: Ratios Fats = 60 to 70%, Protein 15 to 20%, Carbs 


Breakfast  BULLETPROOF COFFEE!! (5am or 7am)= 1-2tbsp of kerrygold butter, decaf coffee (10oz), 1 tbsp of brain octane, 1 tbsp of mct (xct) oil, 1tbsp collagen protein (BP), 1 tbsp whey protein (BP), stevia, cinnamon and sometimes I add Vanilla flavoring, put all ingredients in nutribullet and blend for 20 seconds.

*If its on a busy work/workout day, I will add 2 high quality eggs, cooked in butter. DELISH!!

Usually 400 – 600 cals for breakfast, depending on what I all add and amounts. (just fyi, they don’t recommend counting calories, but I like to track my ratios)

Lunch (12 or 1pm)= 2-3 oz ground beef, grass fed hot dog or fish burger, 2 cups veggies with butter or ghee and 1/4 avocado.

Usually 3oo-5oo calories for lunch. Most often lower end of that unless I add more fats. 

Dinner (6-7pm) = Same as above for Lunch.

Most days I am not even hungry in between those times of the day. The fats continue to fill me up a lot! If I do get hungry in the mornings, I will just have a few almonds or almond butter to get me through, especially if I have a workout that morning. In the afternoons, sometimes I will add a collagen bar (these are amazing tasting! I just got the chocolate and its like a fudge bar when out of the freezer,but I can only eat half cuz its so rich!) or again, some nuts or nut butter. I drink TONS more water and that also helps to keep away being hungry.

Being on this diet about a month now, I FEEL amazing!! I dropped a few pounds the first week and now it’s kind of settled, but I haven’t been as hard at it as I probably could. 😉 My body feels so much tighter, the inflammation is gone–no more puffy body, I am sleeping great and most days I have amazing energy AND brain power!! I FEEL better about my body now, where as before I wanted to cover my body up all the time. I can wear all of my clothes that didn’t fit a few months ago, so THAT makes me feel happy! Will I get more results or achieve what I feel is my goal.. who know.. but right now I feel great and that is what matters to me!!

I went out all out on high quality supplements and foods, just because I needed to for my mold issues, etc. If you want to save some money, here are some suggestions:

  1. Coffee.. still look for high quality, organic coffee!! Mold in your coffee cannot be good for anyone!!
  2. Now Brand MCT oil will work just as good as XCT oil or brain octane. And it lasts forever.. 😉
  3. Kerry gold butter is not all that expensive. PLUS if you are using a TBSP in your coffee and a little on your veggies, it still lasts a long time. It doesn’t have such a buttery flavor when in your coffee, it just makes it nice and creamy! Use coconut oil on your veggies instead! I get mine from Costco..make sure its good quality!
  4. If the grass-fed or wild caught is too much for your budget, as least look for good qualities or organic. Even if you need to add chicken or turkey, again, use organic. Remember, your protein intake isn’t that high and only 2 servings a day, it lasts long.
  5. Veggies.. organic is best.. but frozen is even better! Less chance of mold!!
  6. You don’t need all the extras that I used. You will still get the benefits of the diet as long as you follow the guidelines.

Here is a nice pdf of the guidelines to follow, just click the image below:


I will keep you updated as I add more things and change things up a bit. I am trying caffeinated coffee a few times a week to see if it will change my results. I can’t have too many as I need to make sure to not overwork my adrenals.

Are YOU doing bulletproof? Share how it’s working for you!

Have questions about the diet.. just ask!!





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2 Responses to Becoming Bulletproof!!

  1. Jennifer Mojica says:

    This is a fantastic post, Angie! I am thrilled that you have found what works so well for you! I will look into the MCT oil and, perhaps, the Brain Octane. So, do you only use the MCT oil in your coffee?

    • Angie says:

      I most often just use the mct oil in my coffee, but have used it in smoothies or protein shakes before. You can pretty much add it to anything.. even dribbling over your veggies!

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