3 Types Workout Personalities

Lately I have been doing a lot of journaling, trying to decide what my next steps should be with my online business. I used to look down on journaling and thought it was a bunch of baloney, but I can honestly tell you it has been one of the best things I could have ever done these past few months. It has opened my eyes to so much about who I am, what I truly LOVE doing and who I want to become.

What does all that have to do with working out?? Well, in doing my journaling, I have come to determine that one of the things that I truly enjoy the most is making up workouts!! Seriously, I get all excited inside when I sit down to come up with workouts. It’s why I have 4 months worth of workouts for my boot camp classes and I keep adding more! Well, it’s also because I get bored easily and don’t like doing the same workout over and over. 😉

I feel that there are 3 different types of workout personalities. Those that need guidance and support, those that are fine doing their own thing and those that like to workout in a group setting.

Let me elaborate on that a bit further….

Almost all of my clients at Fit Chick Express tell me they come to boot camp because they just won’t do it on their own. Let’s call them the “Groupies”.  They appreciate the fact that they have to sign up for a class, because that holds them accountable. It provides them with the support they need to get their workouts in. Well, and I call them out if they are no shows or seem to cancel a lot. 😉

Then we have those who have a huge library of workout DVD’s at home or have access to Beachbody on Demand with over 800 workouts! Let’s call these the “Tubers”. Get it? Workouts on the “tube”?  They have no problem picking a workout, pushing play and getting in their workout. They like the guidance of the workouts and the instruction that comes along with them. They like to follow along and be pushed harder by trying to keep up with those on the video.

Then we have those that purchase workouts online from their favorite fitness professional, print off the workouts and take them to the gym or do them at home if they have a set up for it. Let’s call these the “Outsiders”. They have no problem doing a workout on their own. They don’t need the guidance, just a workout plan and they are off. They just get it done.

I myself, am a “Groupie” and a “Tuber”! I like to workout with my workout group of gals, as it gives me that push and accountability that I need, but I am also great with pushing play at home to get in a workout if need be. I have had challengers over the past years that are GREAT with being in the “Outsider” group! I put together some quick workouts that they do in addition to their boot camp workouts or whatever workout they normally do and they always get them done. I do tend to make them shorter in duration, but sometimes they appreciate the longer ones as well.

So where do you fit in here? Which one seems to fit best with you and your workout personality? You don’t have to be just one or the other, you can be a combination of all 3 if that is what works for you!

If you feel you are a little bit of the “Outsider” group, stay tuned! I have some GREAT workouts coming your way! Like I mentioned up above, it’s really what I love doing.. creating fun and energizing workouts for women! You can request to join my Women. Live. Fit Private Community of Facebook to have access to them as they come out. I have 2 that I will be posting this week that I think you will enjoy…. Hope to see you there!

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