10 Minute HIIT Workout

Who wants to join me in some cardio??

In my quest to heal my adrenals, I haven’t done much in the lines of cardio other than walking in …well.. probably 6 months or more. But as I am fixing outside issues and my body continues to heal, I finally am feeling like I have more energy and am ready to start SLOWLY with some extra cardio (My lower body is going to thank me!! 😉 ) So here is my plan for the next two weeks. EVEN if I feel better and want to work harder than what I have here, I am going to stick with it for 2 weeks and then increase it.

I plan to listen to my body, see how it responds physically and then go from there. So.. are YOU in to join me?? Great place to start if you have fallen off the wagon or just looking to add some extra cardio to your day in just 10 minutes!!

If you would rather do this outside and not on a treadmill. Just follow the general rules of 1 minute walk, 1 minute run/jog and continue for the 10 minutes. One thing to keep in mind– you WANT to bring your heart rate down when you are walking, so make sure to slow it down enough so that you have to work harder to get it up  the next interval round. THAT is what boots the metabolism and helps to blast fat. 🙂 10 Min HIIT Workout

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