New Year #NoExcuses

I have decided that this month, not only in MY life, but at Fit Chick Express, we will make 2017 our #NOEXCUSES year. I am ready. I have used all the excuses I can the past few years. I am tired of them. I want to make a change. I want to SEE a change and I want to BE the change. 🙂 LOL

But the thing is, you have to be ready and accountable. Excuses are so easy to have when life gets tough or doesn’t go the way we want it to. Even if we set goals and struggle to meet them, it’s easier to make excuses than to admit we just didn’t work hard enough or commit fully enough.

Why do we struggle with goals and making things happen? I think its because we don’t truly want them to happen. Yes, we may tell ourselves and others that we really want to lose 10 pounds, but when it comes down to it, we choose to eat chocolate instead. 😉 (myself being an example of just that). That is when you really have to take a look at what your goals are and decide just what exactly you are ready to commit to to make things happen.

As I was healing from the mold this past year (and had gained almost 8 lbs!!), a good friend kept trying to get me to commit to eating keto style or bulletproof style of eating. If you do not know this type of diet, it’s very low carb and absolutely NO starches.

I did try, but I didn’t commit. I would have a burger with a bun, at least once a week, telling myself that it was only once a week. I would have some “gluten free” toast on the weekends. I could not control myself when chips were in the house. I kept telling myself that I was eating 90% better than most people, I should be able to have those things and still make progress, but of course that did not happen. NOTHING changed. My weight stayed the same. Because I didn’t commit fully. I didn’t want it bad enough. Maybe it was because I still didn’t feel 100% or because I really was okay with where my body was or maybe it was just all the excuses I kept telling myself over and over that kept me from making any difference. Whatever it was, it was my fault. No one else’s.

Finally in November, my husband and I decided we both need to do something to drop some weight as we were both just not feeling happy about our bodies. That is when we started on the Keto Diet. We were both in this together and were ready to COMMIT! We not only WANTED to see change, we NEEDED and were READY to see some changes.

Almost 2 months later, I have NOT had any form of gluten and had a few chips at Christmas time. Of course the holidays in there we were not 100% on our game, but I am down 1% body fat and 4lbs and almost 4 inches overall (waist/hip/thigh). But the best thing that I have noticed is how much better I feel! My energy is amazing, my sleep is finally back to 6 to 8 hrs instead of 4-6 and my tummy bloat is gone. My muscles are tighter and my clothes fit better!!

You need to find your “WHY”. You need to determine just how important it is to you and then COMMIT with #NOEXCUSES! This is what we will be discussing in our Goal Setting Workshops coming up this month.

If you dream it, you can do it. Your desire and “why” just has to be larger than your EXCUSE!! Now who is ready to commit to a #NOEXCUSES 2017 with us??

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One Response to New Year #NoExcuses

  1. Amy Stoehr says:

    Spot on, Angie. The hardest thing to own is our own choices. Thanks for articulating it so beautifully! #NOexcuses2017 #FitChicksRock

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