Adrenals and Sprinting


So I have been dealing with issues with my adrenals for about a year now. It sucks, just let me tell you that!! Especially for myself, who likes to workout like a mad woman!! Working out just always makes me feel so much better!! Running.. eh..not so much. But I do it, or rather I did it. I knew that was how I was able to get my body to “change” in a different way than weight training. It helped me to lose that flabby thigh and booty fat, BUT running also depleted the adrenals, especially when I don’t especially like it and it seems even harder than normal.

I have been researching online, talking to a nutritionist, acupuncturist and naturopath about my adrenal issues and it was anonymous–no more running. But I had to find a way to keep the “flab” off my thighs and outer thighs.  I have and had done interval training also to help with these issues, but recently came across sprinting. Well, I kind of always knew it was there but was never a sprinter and wasn’t sure I would like it. But guess what?? I DO!! It’s quicker than intervals and actually burns just as many calories, if not more!

So what do I mean when I say sprinting? Well, I go out for a walk and after a good warm up, I sprint for 15 to 30 seconds as hard as I possibly can until I can’t anymore. Then I slow it down to a walk to get my breathing back to normal. Then, sprint again!! I did it this morning and used my husbands heart rate monitor and noticed that after every sprint, my heart rate was just a little bit higher. I didn’t feel worn out, like I have in the past from steady state running and I felt like I actually worked harder! I finally found something that I might actually like. 😉 Now to experiment for the next month and see how it affects my body. My goal is to do it at least 3x per week. I might do some on the treadmill, but find I actually work a lot harder outside. 🙂

Have you tried sprinting as form of fat burning? If so, what does your sprinting schedule look like?

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