Featured Fit Chick – Alexis


Alexis Ramstine

How long have you been a member of Fit Chick Express and what brought you here? I’ve been a member of Fit Chick for about 9 months. I came to Fit Chick after moving to Colorado from NY. A work friend, hint red hair/completely crazy, told me about this place and was very inviting!

What has been your greatest accomplishment since becoming a member of FCE? I’ve lost some weight, gained some muscle. No idea how much gained or lost because I don’t measure! My greatest accomplishment here has nothing to do with physical changes but all the mental ones. My attitude towards food, working out and eliminating my shy temperament. Okay still working on the shy thing- but Fit Chick changes more than your body for sure.

What keeps you motivated? What obstacles have you had to overcome? What keeps me motivated is the high of feeling good. Whenever I don’t want to show up to class I try to really focus on that “I just worked out and I feel so amazing” vibe and carry on.

My shoulder pain is a huge obstacle- plus I’m really uncomfortable in groups. So, when you have an injury and are in a group of people and you can’t participate in the same activity, well, it makes you (maybe just me?) feel strange. I really had to get over myself and accept that I can’t do some things and it’s okay!

What is your favorite part of FCE? The community is really great! I love the variety of classes and instructors!

What advice would you offer to newbies?  Try every class! Find what you love, let go what you don’t. Talk to the trainers, tell them what hurts and make the adjustments and just have fun!

In one sentence, how would you describe your experience at FCE.  FCE has been an uplifting, inspiring and loving place.

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