Losing weight can be hard sometimes.
Especially if you have hormonal issues going on.
Not just losing weight, but trying to figure out exactly what to do to get results.
There is SO much overload of information out there, that it can be overwhelming enough to just say “forget it!”
I totally get it. That is where I was about 8 months ago.
I kept trying this and that, and trying harder to do this and that, but it only seemed like it made things worse.
It wasn’t until I finally decided to STOP listening to all the noise going on in my head and just focus on what my body actually needed.
I mean, when was the last time YOU just listened to what your body actually NEEDED??
Now, I don’t mean what your body “thinks” it WANTS because that is totally something different.
For years I “thought” my body wanted low carbs.
So I ate less carbs and almost no carbs and…

And I was gaining weight AND body fat!
It was so frustrating!
And everyone kept telling me to “just keep doing more and it will work”, but it didn’t.
I should have listened to my body sooner.
You see, YOU know your body more than anyone else. And if something is NOT working, YOU will know!
If you are working so hard and not getting the results you are looking for, then you need to change things up and do something different.
My body was starving, and it was holding on to all the weight and fat that I was trying to get rid of.
And until I decided to EAT more regularly, consume more calories AND eat carbs, I would not get get anywhere.

I had to find JOY in what I was doing again (especially around food!!)

And my clothes were fitting again!!
If I can do it, I know you can too.
You just need to listen to what your body NEEDS instead of what it WANTS.
Or you might need someone to help guide you.
I would love to be that person for you.
We can get on a call to talk about what you have been trying, what is not working and how we can get you moving forward, all you need to do is schedule a time.
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