Nikki Lee
How long have you been a member of Fit Chick Express and what brought you here? My experience at FCE has empowered me to take a firm hold of my future and live my very best life!
What has been your greatest accomplishment since becoming a member of FCE? My most major accomplishment since becoming an FCE member would have to be my overall strength. I love that I can finally see some muscle in my arms and that’s a reminder of all my hard work.
What keeps you motivated? What obstacles have you had to overcome? My motivation comes from wanting to be healthy and to keep up with my kids. When I first started working out, I had horrible exercise-induced asthma. Each time I worked out, it was a struggle. However, every week I could see that I was building stamina and strength.
What is your favorite part of FCE? I love the quick, and intense boot camp classes. I feel that I get a great workout in a short amount of time. I also love the instructors and the members.
What advice would you offer to newbies? The advice that I would give to new members would be to fight through the pain. To be patient for results, because it doesn’t happen overnight!!
In one sentence, how would you describe your experience at FCE. My experiences here at FCE has been happy, healthy and fun.