Featured Fit Chick – Andrea

Andrea K

How long have you been a member at FCE and what brought you here? I’ve been a member since September 2011. I blame Steph Benes 🙂 (And she blames Kim Taylor). But seriously, I knew I needed to make a change for myself and to find something that would work for me. After hearing about Steph’s experience I knew I hadto give it a try. I signed up immediately after the 2 week free trial.

What has been your greatest accomplishment since becoming a member at FCE? If you would have told me 3 years ago that I’d be working out at 6 AM regularly I would have told you I thought you were crazy. I’m so proud of myself that I’ve found a program that I love and have stuck to through the good times and the tough times. And what’s even crazier is I’ve started running! I’ve never been a runner in my life, but decided to start just a few months ago. I ran my first 5K in November!

What keeps you motived? What obstacles have you overcome? Motivation for me comes from both internal drive and all the external cheerleaders. It’s not just about the numbers on the scale, but seeing where I started from to where I am now does motivate me. I’m proud of myself for what I’ve been able to accomplish and motivated to keep it up! Most importantly I want to be a positive role model for my daughter. I want her to see me as a happy, healthy and active mom who takes care of herself and has fun doing it!

Honestly, I think the biggest obstacle has been myself. It’s a mental game to keep focused when things aren’t going like I hoped. I yo-yo’d with my weight and measurements all over the place the first 2 years. I knew what I needed to do to get to where I wanted to be but wasn’t putting my all into it. I slowly learned that I couldn’t just exercise a few times a week and then still eat whatever I wanted. I needed to get all of it in check to be able to see the physical changes. For the past year I have also had some digestive issues that has forced me to evaluate my nutritional needs. It’s like my gut “revolted” against me and said ENOUGH. I am truly getting in tune with what works for me now, what gives me energy and fuels my body. I am more intentional with my eating and not just trying to fill it up with whatever is convenient. This has been a hard process to learn but a necessary process for continued growth and healing.

What is your favorite part of FCE?

I feel more physically, mentally and emotionally healthy about myself now more than ever. It’s the supportive environment; all the trainers, the 6 AMers and the variety in the workouts. There is always a new way to challenge myself at every workout and someone there to encourage me.

What advice would you offer newbies? Don’t give up! Most days you WILL feel GREAT about your work out and glad you came and some days you may feel like you couldn’t give it all you have and you were just “off”. And that’s OK, just keep coming back and challenge yourself to do a little more each time. It’s really OK to modify the exercises. I still do it all the time when I need to even after 3 years. Listen to your body and what it needs. That’s how you will be successful and reach your goals.

In one sentence how would you describe your experience at FCE? My experience at Fit Chick has been nothing short of transformational; physically, mentally and emotionally.

I’m proud to be a Fit Chick!


Check out more Featured Fit Chicks on our sister site ==> Women Live Fit

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