Crazy Friday Workout

So I just got back from a week and a half vacation on this past Monday. I had to come up with something for my girls and I (we call it the Advanced Training group) workout. I thought about easing us all back in, but then dropped that idea because I had missed working out so much!!

Well it was a TOUGH workout and definitely did not ease us back in. šŸ™‚ We burned about 360 calories in about 36 minutes. DANG!!! So, when I find these new, “fun” kind of workouts, I like to share them with my girls at Fit Chick Express. I always call Fridays, “Fun Fridays” just because I like to push them harder with the weekend coming up. So guess what?? I did share it with them! And they, uh, loved it?! Well not exactly, but they did awesome AND felt great afterwards! Many expressed how much they did love the challenge…which of course is what its all about. šŸ™‚

Here is what I had them do. You do 1 prisoner squat rotation and 10 push ups, then 2 prisoner squat rotations and 9 push ups, working your way down to 10 prisoner squat rotations and 1 push up. Then move on to the next set of exercises.

Try it out yourself and come back and let us know how YOU felt afterwards!


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