First off, you may be wondering just what Intentional Eating actually means... "Intentional eating is about eating mindfully and
Maybe creating a healthy lifestyle seems overwhelming to you. Especially if you aren't even sure where to start. So, I
"You only fail when you stop trying!" Boy, such powerful words. How many of you have had these thoughts go
What a great event we had this year!  Celebrating 11 years all the amazing women who have walked through our
Our goal is to help YOUR child, MOVE better, FEEL stronger and IMPROVE their Athletic Performance!  YOUTH BOOT CAMP DETAILS: 
11 years!!?? I am still having a hard time believing it has been that long! So many memories, so many
Celebrating 11 Years of Fit Chick Love!  Come join us for some FREE workouts, some AMAZING prizes, and some pretty
Challenge Length - 40 DaysStarts Feb 11th - March 22nd$45 - Must sign up by Thursday, Feb 7th! Option for NON
  It's time to do something DIFFERENT!  This year, let's finish 2018 strong, healthy and feeling GREAT!  You may be
Summer is a time filled with fun, friends, food, and drinks!  😎👙🍹🏖🍻 🍟🌭🍔🌮🍷🍸🥃🍕🍦   Are you ready to shed all your

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