30 Day Spring Cardio Challenge

Benefits of this 30 day Cardio Challenge…


⭐Loss of inches (especially in that belly, hip and thigh area) and body fat! 

⭐You will improve your cardio stamina and make your heart happy! 

⭐You will be challenged each week to step it up, push yourself and really dig deep to take not only your body, but your cardio endurance to the next level! 

Loss of Inches and Body Fat…

To do this, you will NEED to focus on your nutrition!! 80% of your results will come from what you provide your body for fuel. 

You will be give a BONUS 7 Day De-Bloat plan that will help you get rid of all your sugar and carb cravings. It will also help to give you amazing energy as you push along in this challenge! Other healthy recipe ideas will be offered each week. 

Improve Your Cardio Stamina…

We will be doing a variety of cardio workouts, which will keep your body pushing and working hard to ensure the results you are looking for. 

Time to Step it UP! 

You will be asked to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself to do new things. Each week we will have a killer challenge that you will have to complete to continue moving on. 

What you will get with this challenge:

Keep in mind that this is YOUR challenge. I will give you all the tools to be successful, but to gain all the benefits of this challenge you need to be committed and do the work to get the results you are looking for.  😉


➡I will supply extra workouts and challenges each week. You will be asked to do some form of cardio 6 days a week! 

➡ Access to an easy to fill out form to log your daily activities. 

➡Support and engagement throughout the entire 30 days in the private FB group. PLUS accountability to others in the challenge. You will have the option to be on a team or group or be on your own. If you want extra accountability and have friends who can help you with that, get them to join you! 

➡7 Day DeBloat Plan to jumpstart your “losses”. 

➡Other Healthy Meal Options and ideas to help you stay on track with your nutrition. I will also teach you how to follow a #healthylifestyle plan to continue long after the challenge is over.


Registration Ends Saturday, April 7th a midnight! 

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